Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Today's Top Tip: Step #1 Build Your Marketing Funnel... a marketing funnel is a series of stages a…

Today's Top Tip: Step #1

Build Your Marketing Funnel... a marketing funnel is a series of stages a prospective customer would go through before becoming a regular customer, ie. Prospect to Lead to Customer to Repeat Customer. The ‘top’ of the funnel represents the universe of people being targeted that need to become AWARE of the offer. Once they respond to a call-to-action, eg. newsletter sign up or ebook download, they become a LEAD.

Step #2

Convert Leads Into Customers... through regular engagement, often via email using marketing automation tools such as ActiveCampaign or MailChimp. It’s important to build a strong relationship, trust and NURTURE leads who may not initially be in a position to buy because at some point they may be ready to buy.

🔗: https://www.getcustomplans.com

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